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I am a USC Trojan studying communication and marketing and I love the color purple =]

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Skittles-Touch The Rainbow...No Seriously..Touch It!

How would you feel if I told you that you can control the world with just one finger at a time? I'm being serious here!

I don't want to tell you what you could do with your fingers just because I would ruin the surprise but trust me, once your start, you won't want to stop. HAHA! 

As part of our class discussion about interactive and engaging advertising-marketing campaigns my awesome professor showed us the new Skittles Touch YouTube campaign. I think it is brilliant! They video starts with a man asking you to place your finger on the Skittle. Once you do it, you all set, all you have to do is sit back, relax, and watch the show! The great part about the videos is unless you've seen them, you have no idea what to expect. Who new your finger was so powerful!

They are all so creative that I cannot pick a "favorite" video but if I would rank them as followed:

  • The pimple faced girlfriend (I would love to be her! Can you imagine having all of those Skittles on your face during class? You'd never go hungry and it is the perfect conversation starter)

My professor Hank Wasiak is truly one of my idols. He wrapped up the class with the perfect quote: When developing a marketing campaign aim to Advertise ideas-not create ideas to advertise! 

Genius! He perfectly summed up the class and explained social media marketing in one sentence. When created a social media marketing campaign it is important to engage with consumers not just push ideas onto them. Ya ya ya...you have probably heard that a million times but are you doing anything about it? 

Take a look at your campaign and analyze the output and outcomes. Are people engaging with a conversation with your brand? Do you sense customer loyalty? 

Also when it comes to social media platforms such as Twitter----REMEMBER: QUALITY and not QUANTITY. Think about it...does it really matter if you have more followers than Justin Beiber? Okay well that is a different story. [If that happened that would really be cool!]

So let's say you have 30,467,883 followers but you do not really converse with them and have a community established--is your brand really benefiting from all of the hype? I THINK NOT!

As a member of DieselUSA mentioned at the Fashion140 conference in New York, the quality of followers is more important because they are the true brand ambassadors. 

Good luck developing your engaging campaigns and feel free to share! You never know, I may end up writing about you =]

Until next time,

TTFN, Ta ta for now.