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I am a USC Trojan studying communication and marketing and I love the color purple =]

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hello World!

Welcome to the awesomeness I call the Marketing Mayhem! Take this blog as my…not so secret journal of greatness. Join me on my journey as I delve into the world of retail marketing. Marketing includes everything from product development and design to product packaging and distribution. Ever since I took an e-marketing class during my senior year of high school, I have been infatuated with Marketing and learning about different strategies. As part of a class project, we were required to reposition any product of our liking. With orange juice as my product, I aimed to change the way people perceived it. We were given freedom to change anything we wanted about the product. My goal was to persuade people to think of orange juice as a cool and hip beverage rather than just a dull breakfast drink they consume with a boring muffin. I introduced Slominski, the world’s finest tasting premium orange juice, to the world. My project was a hit! Everybody loved the sleek design of black striped bottle. 

After getting a little taste of marketing…I was hooked! Being a communication major and a marketing minor, I am finally on my way to become a marketing guru. I specifically chose retail marketing because I am very interesting in learning about consumer behavior and am fascinated with the evolution of complex strategies. I have always felt as though business-to-business marketing does not allow for as much freedom and creativity as retail marketing does. My dream job would be to work for Disney or Dream Works in their retail-marketing department. I am obsessed with watching cartoons and learning more about how children’s programs and toys are developed and sold. I love the challenge of marketing to children because you have to market to both the kids and the parents to persuade them to purchase merchandise. Disney or Dream Works would be the perfect place for me to grow and have the freedom to allow my mind to be creative. It would be a dream come true! 

I look forward to writing about the evolution of marketing and the incorporation of psychology and different marketing cases about various companies. I would be interested in writing about different articles featured in Business Week and Entrepreneur magazine because I love reading about innovative firms and want to share my ideas with the world! Rhetoric plays an important role in marketing because, in order to fully engage the target market, a firm has to mold its communication and business strategy to fit its audience. Rhetoric and media composition would also be an interesting topic to cover because every communication can be considered a means of persuasion. Since I am taking a media literacy class, I would also like to analyze different ad campaigns and their graphic compositions. Social media will also make its way to my blog because with its introduction, the marketing game has completely changed. With the easy access of social media platforms such as FaceBook, firms now have access to free and a wide range of consumer data. They are able to learn more about their target audience and their purchasing behavior, preferences, psychographic and demographic.

More awesomeness to come in the near future…

TTFN, ta ta for now!

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