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I am a USC Trojan studying communication and marketing and I love the color purple =]

Friday, February 25, 2011

Miracle Whip, What Side Are You On??

I have a question for you; do you love it or hate it? Seriously,…which side are you on? In case you have no idea what I’m talking about…I’m asking you about Miracle Whip’s commercial! Miracle Whip ads ask “Love them or hate them?” Their new campaign is pushing the idea that they know “it’s not made for everyone.” To spread the word like wild fire, the first commercial part of their new campaign aired this week during Fox’s Glee.

It is so gutsy for a company to have a commercial with people stating they do not like their product…and even more surprising was the effect it had on me. Strangely, after watching the commercial I wanted to actually try it out and see if Miracle Whipe actually tasted as bad/good as people claimed it to taste. Having people from both sides share their opinion about Miracle Whip made the commercial seem genuine and did not seem like they were forcing you to buy their product. In the end it made you feel like it was completely up to you and you were in control, they weren’t using a “push strategy,” instead it almost required customer engagement.
One of my favorite parts of the commercial was around 32 seconds when the sitting on the steps said, “Miracle Whip tastes like disappointment, spreadable disappointment.” Just the fact that he referred to the product being advertised as “spreadable disappointment” shocked me! That part of the commercial genuinely caught my attention. Marketers for Miracle Whip managed to somehow create an emotional connection with their audience by…having people speak negatively about their products…it blows my mind! To make the commercial even more awesome was Jersey Shore’s Paul D’s part around 50 seconds. Of all of the people in the commercial, they had the famous person (or at the very least the only person I recognized from the commercial) speak negatively about their product. If that’s not courageous, I don’t know what is…! Near the end, text is written in what looks like Miracle Whip, it shows a person taking a whiff of the opened bottle, and he makes a face as if he just smelled a skunk or something. It’s like they’re not willing to hold back anything!

Creativity and emotional appeal are important in the world of marketing and Miracle Whip nailed it! Having people say they would never eat it or do not like the product is consistent with their theme of “It is not made for everybody” and it is okay if you do not like it. Their competitors should be taking notes and learn a thing or two about branding from Miracle Whip! Their new campaign is a great example of an awesome integrated marketing communications. Their television advertisements, print ads and social media send deliver a consistent message and work together in unison. Cohesion is very important when working towards create a strong brand image. I also loved the interactivity of the campaign because not only did have people give their opinions in commercials, they also allow consumers to be fans on FaceBook and on their profile page, the first thing that pops up is a survey sheet that allows you to share your opinion of whether you like Miracle Whip or not!

Pure genius.

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